Pending Tech Returns

As a MSL Agent, you have the ability to review pending Tech returns based on the date and time created.

Navigate to Pending Tech Returns
Understanding Pending Tech Returns

All returns are in order by date with the most current date at the top of the page.

*Users have the ability to search all pending tech returns by TMS number.

Scan Required Fields

Selecting a return card will bring you to a screen to begin processing the return. Scan the required fields to continue:

*LPNs already in the system will not require scanning the Put Away Location.

Review Scanned Fields

Once all required fields have been scanned per part, the ‘Next’ button will activate and turn blue. Click to proceed to the signature page.

Assign a Returner

After confirming all material on the return order, complete the following actions to process the return:

*This assignment allows the returner to complete the return.

Process the Return

After confirming all material on the return order, complete the following actions to process the return:

Processed Tech Return Confirmation

After processing the return, you will be taken back to the Pending Tech Returns card view. Once a return has been processed it will move to ‘Completed Tech Returns’.

You will receive a confirmation toast at the bottom of the screen stating the ‘return successfully processed’.

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Customers with an urgent need after normal business hours please contact 866-775-4438 for service.