Generate Guest Code

You have the ability to allow guests to pick-up material
by generating a unique pick-up code. (Guests are contractors
that pick-up material but do not have an account within the app.)

Navigate to Authorize a Pick-Up

Click on “Authorize a Pick-Up” from the home menu.

Select a pick-up to outsource

Select a pick-up that you would like to outsource.

Material that has already been outsourced will be labeled with an ‘outsourced’ pill within the card.

Only material that has been scheduled can be outsourced.

Authorize a guest for pick-up
Enter guest email address
Guest pick-up confirmation

After submitting the guests’ email address you will receive a confirmation page stating that your request has been submitted.

Guest pick-up email

After the CM or GC submits the guests’ email address, the guest will receive an email providing the following information needed for pick-up:


Guest pick-up

Guests can access the application from the link provided in the guest code email.
Select the ‘Guest Pick-Up’ link to begin the guest pick-up process.

Guest pick-up code

Guests will receive a unique code via email. This code must be entered in order to complete goods acceptance as a guest.

Fill out Guest information

Fill out your personal information:

Guest: Goods Acceptance

Please refer to the ‘Pending Pick-Ups’ section of this user guide for more information regarding Goods Acceptance instruction.

Goods Acceptance confirmation

After confirming the pick-up, you are taken back to the home page.
You will receive a confirmation toast at the bottom of the screen stating that ‘Auth# has been confirmed and is now awaiting MSL Agent approval’.

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Customers with an urgent need after normal business hours please contact 866-775-4438 for service.