Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve collected answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the AIMSPlus App.
General Questions
What happens if something is scheduled outside of the application?
Scheduling appointments outside the application will cause appoint conflicts and is never ideal. Recent updates to the application have proved to provide greater availability to MSL Appointments and efforts should be made to use the scheduling feature to ensure the smoothest possible pickup experience. Occasionally, there are issues requiring scheduling outside the application. In these cases, the App will ingest the pickup from legacy AIMS and you will be able to follow the in-App Goods Acceptance and Goods Deployment process. These pickups will be highlighted as scheduled Manually to help remind users this is an exception to the process and not encouraged.
We have experienced a double scheduling when we scheduled something through the app and someone else scheduled something directly in AIMS. How do we avoid this?
The App has been updated to include manually scheduled picks when displaying available time for scheduling. However, if an existing pickup exists and something is scheduled manually you can still have a double booking. Again, you should make all efforts to schedule through the application.
How do I report In-App issues or get help?
The fastest way to get support for any issue on-site is to talk to the MSL agents. They can perform initial troubleshooting and training if necessary. If you are not on-site or are unable to resolve it with the local agent please submit a help ticket through the app. You will receive an update within 24 hours of submitting the ticket.
How do I submit a ticket?
When entering the login page of the AIMS+ website or app, on the bottom of the page there is a clickable Help Center/FAQ button. Please fill out the form with all the necessary information so that our team can properly assist your needs.
How do I update my profile on the AIMS+ App?
The App has updated to allow all users the ability to adjust their profile or update their password in the Account permissions through the homepage. Updates can be made to the name and phone number as well. In order to make any other changes to the profile, please submit a help ticket through the app and you will receive an update within 24 hours of submitting the ticket.
What are my password requirements?
The App has been updated to enhance the system security settings and profile options to optimize identification and prevention of unauthorized users in addition to enhancing the verification of current users. Passwords must change every 90 days and cannot be the same as the previous two passwords used. This can be done directly by navigating to the Account profile setting and selecting the password section. Please note that there are 5 requirements of characters and symbols needed for a password to change.
How do I reactivate my account?
Accounts are automatically deactivated after 30 days of non-use. In order to reactive your account, please submit a help ticket through the app and one of our team members will reactive your account. Our developers are working on an in-app reactivation process but at this point we do not have an estimated date of completion. We will update as soon as we do.
Project Manager
A General Contractor (GC) or Construction Manager (CM) is missing from my drop down when I try to assign a site kit, preventing me from assigning them a kit.
GCs and CMs will only be available for assignment within the App if they have:
At least 1 ACTIVE registered AIMSPlus+ App account
The account is registered for that specific market
The account has a valid CATS Code for that specific Market
Why can’t I see a specific SITE, Kit or Pickup on my home dashboard?
The home dashboard has view limits for ease of use. To see additional data, click the “See All” link on the top right of each table. These initial views, while being much larger, are also not exhaustive. To find a specific record please utilize the search function on the top right of the screen for a local page search, or the search in the top left of the screen(top of the navigation bar)for a global search.
Global search will return results in a tabular form helping to identify if the kit is In-Transit, Available, Assigned, Scheduled or Already picked up. Look across the top to see all results.
Search is not case-sensitive and will return partial matches.
How do I add Vendor Material (TM-) to a BOM?
How to I cancel or re-assign a pickup that is already scheduled?
To re-assign a pickup you first must cancel it. This can be done by navigating to the Scheduled Pick-Ups view, selecting the appointment you want to cancel and then clicking cancel button on the top right of the screen. Please note that this will cancel the entire pickup (All material associated to the pickup), remove the GC assignment and return the material to the In-Stock Material view for you the PM. You will then need to reassign the material and have the GC reschedule.For more detailed information please refer to the Reassignment Quick Reference Guide.
Construction Manager (CM)
A General Contractor (GC) is missing from my drop down when I try to sub-assign a site kit, preventing me from sub-assigning them a kit.
GCs will only be available for assignment within the App if they have:
At least 1 ACTIVE registered AIMSPlus+ App account
The account is registered for that specific Market
The account has a valid CATS Code for that specific Market
What happens if I am missing a part or have other concerns with the material condition when I am picking it up?
Please work with the on-site MSL agent to help resolve the issue. Depending on the issue you may be required to complete the pick-up manually. Our developers are working on an in-app issue process but at this point we do not have an estimated date of completion. We will update as soon as we do.
How do I perform Goods acceptance for Service Material when there is no pending Pickup card?
Who do I call when I haven't received any information about my Sprint Decom scheduled pickup?
The best number to call is the Global Trans (GTZ) Phone Number (844) 539-7447.
General Contractor (GC)
How to I cancel or move a pickup that is already scheduled?
To cancel a pickup please contact your local market PM. They will be able to cancel the pickup. To change a pickup that is already scheduled you must first cancel and then reschedule the pickup. Better user functionality around appointment adjustments are in development and will be released by Q3 2022.
What happens if I am missing a part or have other concerns with the material condition when I am picking it up?
Please work with the on-site MSL agent to help resolve the issue. Depending on the issue you may be required to complete the pick-up manually. Our developers are working on an in-app issue process but at this point we do not have an estimated date of completion. We will update as soon as we do.
How do I perform Goods acceptance for Service Material when there is no pending Pickup card?
Who do I call when I haven't received any information about my Sprint Decom scheduled pickup?
The best number to call is the Global Trans (GTZ) Phone Number (844) 539-7447.
How do I authorize an existing appointment?
Please note that only material that has been scheduled can be authorized for a pick-up. This can be done by navigating to the Authorize a Pick-Up view, selecting the appointment you want to authorize and then selecting the company you’re authorizing from the dropdown menu. For more detailed information please refer to the Authorize a Pickup Quick Reference Guide.
Technician & Technician Manager
Do I have to schedule my Service Material for pickups in Aimsplus?
No, you can schedule Service Material directly in CHAT when you made the ordering and AIMSplus will honor this appointment. There is no requirement to schedule Service Material again.
How do I perform Goods acceptance for Service Material when there is no pending Pickup card?
One of our new Call-Off features allows for reassignment of any service material pickups within your market to yourselves to instantly perform Goods Acceptance and Signature at the MSL.
Why can't I see my TMS number as a return when I log into the app?
When do I sign for Direct Shipments?
Direct shipments can be signed for after you receive the material. There is no need to sign for them beforehand.
How do I know when I have a pick-up?
A pending pick-up within the app will automatically appear once a General Contractor assigns the pickup to you. After assignment by a GC, you will receive an email notifying you that you have pending pickups. This can be viewed in the App by navigating to the PendingPick-ups section and viewing/selecting the appointments assigned to you.