Schedule Returns

As a CM, you have the ability to schedule returns for dropoff or direct shipment, based on the date approved.

Navigate to Schedule Returns
Select returns for dropoff
Select the return(s) you would like to schedule. All returns shown have received TMO approval. Each card has a return number, creation date, and approval date.

Select the ‘Schedule a Return Time’ button to continue.

*Approved returns must be scheduled within 7 days of being approved and the material must be physically returned within 14 days of being approved. After TMO approves the return it will be available to schedule.
Schedule the Return
Confirm the Return

The confirmation screen provides a summary of information on the requested pick-up.

Confirming the return will take you back to the Returns home page.

Load Agreement

Please read the load agreement. After reading the agreement, select ‘I Agree’ to confirm the scheduled return.

Scheduled Return Confirmation

After confirming the pick-up information regarding a scheduled pick-up, you are taken back to the home page.

You will receive a confirmation toast at the bottom of the screen stating that ‘your pick-up request has been scheduled’

Select a Return

Select the scheduled return to view the return details, modify, or cancel a return.

Modify/Cancel a Return
Confirm Modification/Cancellation

To modify an RMA select the ‘Yes, Modify’ button to confirm that you would like to modify your return. To cancel an RMA select the ‘Yes, cancel’ button to confirm cancellation.

Select a User Guide to Download

Customers with an urgent need after normal business hours please contact 866-775-4438 for service.