Assign a Contractor

As a construction manager you have the ability to assign
material to a subcontractor for pick-up.

Schedule a Pick-Up

As a General Contractor, You must create an account and get approval first before you are able to use the app

Authorize a Pick-Up

As a General Contractor, You must create an account and get approval first before you are able to use the app

Pending Pick-ups

As a General Contractor, you have the ability to perform QC functions and create a pallet, if needed.

In-Progress Pick-Ups

As a General Contractor, In-progress pick-ups are reviewed by the GC awaiting deployment from the MSL Agent.

Competed Pick-ups
You have the ability to allow guests to pick-up material by generating a unique pick-up code. (Guests are contractors that pick-up material but do not have an account within the app.)

Select a user guide to download

Forward Logistics Full Guide

Reverse Logistics Full Guide

Customers with an urgent need after normal business hours please contact 866-775-4438 for service.