Completed Pick-Ups
Technicians have the ability to review completed pick-ups based on the date and time.
Navigate to Completed Pick-Ups
Click on “Completed Pick-Ups” from the home menu.
Completed Pick-Ups Process
Click on the current in completed pick-up card.
Each card represents a deployment. All deployments have:
- Appointment time for pick-up
- Pick-Up ID
- Sitekits
- Pallet count
*Completed Deployment cards are available for two weeks following pick-up.
*All deployments are available via search but will not proactively show if older than two weeks.
Completed Pick-Ups Process
- Site Kit ID/Auth # is clickable to view all approved materials in detail
- Recorded signature of the GC who performed the Goods Acceptance
- Recorded siganture of the Tellworks employee who performed the Goods Deployment
Understanding Completed Pick-Ups
Users have the ability to export the deployment details to the device in use.