Authorize a Pick-Up
You must create an account and get approval first before you are able to use the app.
Navigate to Authorize a Pick-Up
Click on “Authorize a Pick-Up” from the home menu.
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Select a pick-up to authorize
Select a pick-up that you would like to outsource.
Only material that has been scheduled can be authorized for pick-up.
Pick-up authorization is intended for Delivery Service Providers that do not need a view of your portfolio of work and DO NOT have a CATS Code with T-mobile.
Authorize a pick-up
- Select a company from the dropdown
- Material cards include information about pallets and lines. Selecting the Site Kit SAP allows you to see more details regarding the material on each pallet.
- Select the ‘Confirm’ button
Confirming the pick-up will take you back to the home page.
Authorize pick-up confirmation
After confirming the pick-up information regarding an authorized pick-up, you are taken back to the home page.
You will receive a confirmation toast at the bottom of the screen stating that ‘Auth # has been authorized for pick-up’.