Completed Returns
National Regional Managers have the ability to review returns that have been completed based on date and time.
Navigate to Completed Returns
- Expand ‘Return Management’ category.
- Click on ‘Completed Returns’ from the navigation on the left hand side of the screen.
- Select the dropdown to switch between region and market.
- Select the filter button to add filters views to the table.
- Search available by Site ID.
- Select a ‘Return #’ to view return receipt which includes packing slip details.
- Type of return that was completed.
- Select ‘View Authorization’ to see the digital signature of the individual who picked up the material.
- The digital receipt is exportable. Receipt includes Packing Slip and Digital Signatures.
- If the following do not match, you will see a red ‘X’ to indicate a discrepancy in what was on the return order vs what was physically returned:
- RMA Quantity vs Return Quantity
- RMA Asset Tag/Serial # vs Return Asset Tag/Serial #
- RMA Condition vs Return Condition
Completed Returns - Damaged Material
- Select ‘View Details’ to see the damaged item details.
- Damaged item photo(s) and description will be visible.
- The photo(s) are exportable by selecting the ‘Download Images’ button.