Account Registration

You must create an account and get approval first before you are able to use the app

Navigate to Account

Click on “Request an Account” from the log-in menu.

Need help?

Access the Help Center, without logging in, to find published answers, trainings, and training documents, as well as, submit a ticket directly to Tellworks for individual assistance.

User Information

1. Create a password for your account

Accept the Terms & Conditions

Tellworks will email you when your account is approved. (Activation typically arrives within 48 hours).

Account Information

All users have access to their account where users can review profile information, markets, and change the current password.

Navigate to Account

Click the hamberger menu from any page to pull out quick access to Account and other features.

Menu will appear from the side giving direct acces to the Home page, Account, Invite a Subcontractor, Help Center, and Logging out.

Click on ‘Account’ to access the Account homepage.

Understanding the Account Homepage

Our Account hompage includes access to the following:

Understanding Your Profile

The profile page displays information regarding your username, role, name, phone number, email address, and markets. You have the ability to edit the following fields:

Changing Your Password

To change your current password edit the following fields:

*If you have forgotten your password, select the link to reset your password and create a new one.

Select a User Guide to Download

Customers with an urgent need after normal business hours please contact 866-775-4438 for service.